Posted by: Rizza | July.15.2008

Puzzle pieces (modified chevron)

Another modification of chevron. When using two colors, the pattern sort of look like puzzle pieces (1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th from right). When using three or more colors, it looks like a camouflage pattern (2nd and 3rd).

puzzle pieces

I like to call this the “Cincinnati Bengals pattern”
puzzle pieces


  1. Where did you get this pattern?

  2. WOW! this is so awesome. is it just the chevron only out of order? i would love to make this!

  3. Wow!! This looks awesome to make!!! How do make this bracelet? You are great at this.

  4. can you make custom ones? like i can pick a pattern from and u make it?

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